Introducing Hard Conversations, a podcast about male sexuality. Therapist Tim Norton expands the conversation about male sexuality, adds context to why we struggle as a society to have hard conversations…

Introducing Hard Conversations, a podcast about male sexuality. Therapist Tim Norton expands the conversation about male sexuality, adds context to why we struggle as a society to have hard conversations and breaks down how in a sex-positive environment there really is no room for taboos, judgment, or shame when it comes to penises.

Today, Tim and urologist Dr. Josh Gonzalez discuss the three basic categories of medical erectile dysfunction (hormonal, blood flow, and neurological) and why pills aren’t always the best solution. Dr. Gonzalez talks about why he loves doing penile implant surgeries, the pluses and minuses of cock rings, and how to avoid priapisms (when the penis remains erect for hours). Finally, the two talk at length about the importance of integrated health care and taking the shame out of erectile issues.

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